How it works
Unlike in previous years voting will take place on the Zwitter Choice website with voters having to register to participate. This has been necessitated by the fact that Twitter have indicated that in order to participate in a poll you will need to have to be a Twitter Blue registered user. We think that is unfair so we've put the voting on the website. By getting users to register we can be sure that there's no vote rigging. It also give us a chance to reward voters, all voters will automatically be added to a sweepstake to win a bluetooth speaker.
Nominations open on the 2nd of May.
The fans and general public have a chance to nominate their favourite Zwitter Personalities to compete for the title of Zwitter Personality 2023. Once a user has been nominated fans can second their nomination on the Zwitter Choice website.
Nominations close on May 14th.
At this point the nominees are whittled down by the Zwitter People's Choice Awards to the final 64.
There is a week's break between the closing of nominations and the start of voting in order to allow us to setup the polls.
Round One!
The game is on. 64 Zwitter Personalities are drawn one against each other in a poll.
This draw is randomly generated. All round one matches start at the same time and end at the same time. There's is a week in which to gather as many votes as possible for your favourite Zwitter user. The winner is the user with the most votes so it pays to share and encourage other users to vote for your favourite. The poll closes on Sunday evening and the winners will be offically announced the following day. The winners will proceed to Round Two with a stylish Zwitter Choice t-shirt in the bag. The losers will be knocked out but even the losers are winners as they will be eligible for a Zwitter Choice t-shirt and an invitation to the awards ceremony luncheon.
Round Two!
32 proceed to the next round. They have a week to garner as much support as possible.
Voters can vote for their favourite user once every 24 hours so dedicated fans can tip the balance by going back day after day to vote their candidate up the polls. The polls close promptly at 19:00hrs on Sunday and the winners are officially announced the following day at 14:00hrs. This gives the Zwitter People's Choice Awards as chance to ensure that all voting has proceeded as expected. Any evidence of fraud will get a competitor disqualified and the opponent will get a bye to the next round. All the winners will get a powerbank and proceed to the Round of 16. The losers will get knocked out with an invitation to the awards ceremony.
Round Three!
It's very competitive now. Most of the last 16 have tens of thousands of followers.
As in previous rounds the voting opens on the Tuesday at 10:00hrs sharp culminating on the Sunday at 19:00hrs. At this stage you can expect thousands of votes being placed for a user so best to be at the top of your game if you want to win. The winners proceed to the quarter finals with a pair of bluetooth earbuds to their names. The losers walk away with their t-shirt and powerbank from the previous round and the all important invite to the awards luncheon.
Now we are getting serious. Just 8 users left fighting to be crowned Zwitter Personality.
The prizes are getting bigger and the stakes are higher. Winners can proudly call a Cobra Series bluetooth speaker theirs as they go forward to the semi-finals. As before the losers are knocked out but don't leave empty handed.
4 people left duking it out for the honour of being called the favourite of Zwitter.
This is the final drive for 2 users hoping not to be knocked out so they together with their fans will do all the can to get your votes. The is a make or break week for them and expect their fans to be very vocal about how their favourite should be the one going through to the final. Ultimately 2 winners of the semi-finals will be announced on Monday at 14:00hrs setting the stage for the finale! They will get a cellphone for their achievement.
It's all come down to this! 2 of the most popular Zwitter personalities go head to head in a week long final match.
No effort will be spared to get them over the finish line. Expect them to pull out all the stops to be crowned King or Queen of the Zwitter world. On the Sunday we will have a pretty good idea of who the winner is. The last hurdle is the administrative checks to ensure the voting was fair. The official Zwitter People's Choice Awards Zwitter Personailty 2023 will be announced on the Monday! All heil the conquering Zwitter hero! Their title is assured until 2024!
Awards luncheon!
As with any self respecting awards there will be a glitzy awards ceremony to which all competitors will be invited. You and your partner will get the chance to meet your fellow Zwitteratti IRL. All the prizes will be awarded at the ceremony with the overall winner walking away with a bag of swag including a laptop and all previous round prizes. Most importantly they will get the recognition of their peers as they receive the title of Zwitter Personality 2023. Photo ops galore - expect your timeline to blow up with pictures of the beautiful people!
Ah it's all over until 2024!
We wait with excited anticipation for the Zwitter People's Choice Awards 2024!