Entry Info

You can not enter the Zwitter People's Choice Awards, you have to be nominated. To get nominated you need to have a significant impact on the Twitter platform.

Nominations are opened three weeks before the voting begins and close one week prior to the start of the competition. Either you or one of your fans needs to submit your nomination to the Zwitter People's Choice Awards. During the nominations period you are encouraged to get as many of your fans to second your nomination. The Zwitter People's Choice Awards management will then assess all nominations. Just because you have the most nominations doesn't guarantee your place in the voting process. We will judge your eligibility to compete based on our criteria and rules. We may contact you to clarify some things during this period.

Once we accept your nomination we will notify you that you have been nominated and are eligible to compete for the Zwitter Personality Award 2023. You need to indicate that you are willing to compete. You can withdraw your nomination at any stage prior to the start of the voting, however once voting starts you can not withdraw from the competition.

Fans can vote for their favourite nominees online at zwitterchoice.co.zw or via Twitter during the voting period. The winner is determined by the number of votes received from fans.
